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Snapshot of our history and Milestones

1986 ANCS was founded by Michelle Price OAM, Registered Nurse. Driven by her vision, passion & enthusiasm to care & maintain people in their own home, set ANCS’ foundation. Michelle was determined to develop a business with sound values & ethics which continued to underpin ANCS’ business principles today. ANCS commenced with 2 clients and operated out of Michelle’s family home ANCS supports a local charity Camp Breakaway Inc a place for people with disabilities to have respite with a difference.

1990 ANCS moves into their first office at Budgewoi which was the old bakery

1995 Michelle was the first on the Central Coast to introduce competent ‘Assistants in Nursing (now a Certificate III in Aged Care, Disability, Community Services) to a private nursing services in line with a Registered Training Office (RTO). ANCS commenced their first traineeships for Assistant in Nursing. Today ANCS continues to train & educate staff in their own training rooms.

1996 Michelle saw the need for respite care within the community setting and co-founded the innovation of a unique Respite Model with a social program. Michelle’s leadership was instrumental in implementing Respite Options Camps in collaboration with Joan Andrews (the CEO of ADSSI at that time) and Camp Breakaway Inc (the venue where the respite camps took place). For the next 16years ANCS continued to coordinate and supervise staff and provide clinical governance for these Respite Option Camps. These camps are offered 15-21 times a year and for a 3 day duration, to people in the Central Coast region who are frail, aged, disabled (physical and intellectual) and who have dementia (and carers)

2001 ANCS obtained their first accreditation with ISO9001 Quality Management Standard. This accreditation continues to this day.

2003 ANCS celebrated receiving the Community Service Award for outstanding excellence of care and service to the community.

2005 ANCS management answered the call to assist in the Tsunami Recovery Phase in Sri Lanka

2009 Opened a sub branch office at Woy Woy to manage and monitor staff in the lower Gosford Shire, providing a walk in office for clients and staff Elizabeth Hucker GM Manages

2011 We Turned 25!

We achieved certification under ACIMSS (Attendant Care Industry Management System Standard) The first standard designed specifically for our industry

Success of tenders- with LifeTime Care & Support being a major win for the service

Going GREEN Paperless staff tracking system (EziTracker)

Moved into premises with wheelchair access, training rooms and bigger offices

ANCS Governance Board was established to give sound direction with key results, fiduciary responsibility, viability and clinical excellence

2014 We achieved an accreditation hat trick; ACIS 2013, ISO 9001 and Third Party Verification NSW Disability Standards

Michelle purchases a commercial building that ensures ANCS has a permanent home into the future

2015 Successful in being a provider for Department of Communities and Families

2016 We celebrate 30 years of supporting our community

NDIS is launched on the Central Coast and ANCS is an accredited provider

Allcare Nursing & Community Services

250 Main Rd, Toukley NSW 2263, Australia 02 4396 1838