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Allcare Nursing & Community Services remains totally committed to continuing our and services to all our clients.
Our dedicated Clinicians, Support Workers and Administration staff have all been triple vaccinated (as of April 2022) and will continue to abide by NSW Health guidelines for ongoing vaccinations of Health care Workers. All staff under take regular Rapid Antigen Tests and are monitored daily for any concerns or health changes that may impact on home visits.
We continue to follow the Federal Government’s legislation and measures, along with our normal vigilance of current practices in infection control, effective handwashing, hand rubbing and use of of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as masks, googles, gowns and gloves to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We take this opportunity to thank all our exemplary staff who continue to care and nurse our clients during this ongoing pandemic you are all amazing!

Special thanks to our Managers

Elizabeth GM, and Sharon CCM
Michelle Price OAM RN CEO

Allcare Nursing & Community Services

250 Main Rd, Toukley NSW 2263, Australia 02 4396 1838